In the forest of life,
Of trees and of words,
A crown of silver strands adorn his head,
Glowing of his great exploits;
His strong stance, Explains his warrior’s frame.
Baba is 89 today!
We celebrate with fine wine
The metaphors that herald his fine lines
Dance … Dance …Dance.
Let’s dance to the rhythm of his muse.
Like sprites fashioned by Ogun’s Son
Who in spite of Nietzsche
Thunders against storms
…of shady regimes of injustice.
Your Words vibrate against corrupt practices,
Drawing us to the forest
Clanging our pots,
Shaking our shekere,
Rolling our waists,
Stamping our feet;
We take the celebration to the forest,
Your forest, not of a thousand Daemons
But of a thousand Words.
By Evelyn D’Poet Osagie (13/7/2020)
Evelyn Osagie
Evelyn D’Poet is a multi-talented arts/culture journalist and artist who expresses her voice through diverse arts, especially poetry and photography. She is also the host of the Chat With Evelyn TV Show and the initiator of Project #TASAA (Take a Stand Against AIDS) campaign. Her dream is to have her poetic lines greet her at every doorstep.