Story by Claude Opara; Page Art by Mustapha Bulama
This 46-page comic book is an adaptation of a popular Hausa legend of Bayajidda, the progenitor of the Hausa people. He saved the city of Daura (now in Northern Nigeria) from a terrorizing snake called Sarki. The city had one well (Kusugu) and the snake allowed the people to fetch from it only on Fridays. Hence, the hissing well was off-limits on other days. A frustrated Queen Daurama put out a generous reward out for anyone who could rid Daura of Sarki.
Bayajidda was a travelling prince from Baghdad. He embarked on this hazardous journey to Africa to prove to the king that his profligate days were over. His adventures brought him to Daura where his destiny awaits. Before then, he had been gifted a magic sword forged by mystical blacksmiths, Abagiyawa, who lived on Dala Hill.
The writer, Claude Opara, adapts this legend beautifully, adding some light-hearted humour and making the legend suitable for all ages. He introduced interesting supporting characters. Take for example, Iqqbar the treacherous grand vizier. He travels with Bayajidda from Baghdad to kill him. Dan Iska the adorable but mischievous djinn (an ingenious personification of a dust devil). Also, Mallam Bera the rat lover and dungeon dweller. The writer raises a colourful cast along with Queen Daurama, Kaura Audu Indi and Galadima to name a few. His characterization of the Abagiyawa blacksmiths adds to their aura of mystery and a needed twist to the tale. In the end, you wish the story were longer than its 46 pages. There was still a lot to tell. Of course, the central plot of this story is the fight at the Hissing well or Kusugu. The well is still a tourist attraction in Daura till today.
Bayajidda: An African Legend is the first in a comic series that seeks to introduce African legends/history to the youth. This is done in simple and complex humour. It also tries to promote tourism in the continent. The comic has garnered positive reviews from parents and the young at heart. Some had little or no interest in comics but for the subject matter of this one.
In 2020, Bayajidda was endorsed by NERDC as a library resource material for primary/ secondary schools in Nigeria . Through collaboration with UBEC, over 6000 copies have been distributed to libraries of public schools across the country. The comic book also received commendation from the late Emir of Daura bringing attention to the city’s tourism potentials and history.
The African Legend series was created to introduce the youth to African legends and history. To make them realize and appreciate that we have our own Robin Hoods and King Arthurs in Africa. The story of Moremi Ajasoro is the second installment in the series.
Bayajidda: An African Legend is available in our Bookshop.